Since Camel Quarkus 0.3.0, JVM and native
Exchange information in the healthcare domain using the FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) standard. Marshall and unmarshall FHIR objects to/from JSON. Marshall and unmarshall FHIR objects to/from XML.
What’s inside
FHIR component, URI syntax:
Please refer to the above links for usage and configuration details.
Maven coordinates
Check the User guide for more information about writing Camel Quarkus applications.
Additional Camel Quarkus configuration
The hapi-fhir library, on which camel-fhir depends on, heavily uses reflection which affects performance in Quarkus (memory footprint, build time, CPU resources etc…). The following options are provided to improve on this:
Configuration property | Type | Default |
enables dstu2 resources |
boolean |
enables dstu3 resources |
boolean |
enables r4 resources |
boolean |
enables r5 resources |
boolean |