Camel Maven Archetypes

Camel is distributed with the following archetypes for Maven end users.

Archetype Supported

Archetype Description


Camel 2.8: This archetype is used to create a new Maven project for Camel routes to be running in OSGi using Blueprint.


This archetype is used for creating a new Maven project for Camel Components. Use this if there is a component missing in Camel that you want to create yourself and it needs the API Maven plugin.


This archetype is used for creating a new Maven project for Camel Components. Use this if there is a component missing in Camel that you want to create yourself.


Camel 2.16: This archetype is used to create a new Maven project for Camel routes in the Java Container using CDI to configure components, endpoints and beans


Camel 2.9: This archetype is used for creating a new Maven project for Camel Data Formats. Use this if there is a data format missing in Camel that you want to create yourself.


This archetype is used to create a new Maven project for Camel routes using Java DSL.


This archetype is used to create a new Maven project for Camel routes using Java DSL.


This archetype is used to create a new Maven project for building Camel routes using OSGI SCR Declarative Services


This archetype is used to create a new Maven project for Camel routes using Spring XML.


Camel 2.16: This archetype is used to create a new Maven project for Camel routes using Spring Boot.

The maven coordinates for these archetypes is the following:


When using these archetypes, make sure your package name is not org.apache.camel (or a sub package of this) as this will instruct Camel to search in its own packages for your routes. This can also cause Camel not to start, as shown in CAMEL-1197.

Snapshot archetypes

If you would like to use an archetype from an unreleased version of Camel, you just need to let the maven-archetype-plugin know where to look for it. For example, say someone wanted to create a WAR based project based on Camel 2.9.0. He’d need to use the following command

mvn archetype:generate \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.camel.archetypes \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=camel-archetype-web \
  -DarchetypeVersion=2.9.0 \

Notice that archetypes will now be downloaded from Apache’s snapshot repo instead of Maven central.

When the project is created, you may need to add another repository to the pom.xml file. This is to load a SNAPSHOT version of the camel-maven-plugin

    <id>Apache Snapshot Repository</id>


See Creating a new Spring based Camel Route for a sample how to use the camel-archetype-java and camel-archetype-spring archetypes.